look at these guys.how cute. right?? hehehe .. so i had a little eSKOMO for a while and she became alot to handle and now i want to get a bunny. everyone keeps telling me that bunnies stink and all they do is poop but i've been doing the research and i want one! they're loveable and they're not that boring. they only stink if you don't take care of them or their cages ass holes! i've always wanted a bunny. so stop crushing my dreams dammmmit!! \. but anyways when the time is right in the near future i hope to buy one.. im excited! ;) adorable. i keep looking at all the different ones and i don't know if i want a cute little one or a chubby one. whatever i get i want it when it's a baby. i want it ALL! such a brat.. hehehe.

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