Thursday, July 22, 2010

another BUSY day off!

Today we finally finished the living room. Well really Melvin did. I tried to help but my back was killing me. I'm just so happy with how it looks. I'm so proud of how everything has come together. and we did it all on our own I think that's what I like the most. ;)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

oh wednesday

It's not even 12 noon and I'm already exhausted. boo! i just can't wait until this house as all done. I can't wait until it's Thursday. A day off; kinda. heh. hopefully tomorrow we get flooring for the living room and maybe something we can start on for curtains. I know as soon as all of that is done this will start feeling more homey. Then we can finally start fixing up the baby room. YAY!

hmm moving on I think last night's birthing class was the best one that we've been to. Melvin hates the excersise portion of the class because he thinks its boring but last night I like he enjoyed it the most. He's the class clown. What a dork! I guess that's why I love him. He's the best. I feel bad sometimes cause I'm such a spaz and hard to deal with but he puts up with it 100%. <3

Saturday, July 17, 2010

yay Bremerton ;)

hah no really though! I'm pretty excited to go to Bremerton today. I love spending time with my family and i never really thought I'd say this but I miss Bremerton from time to time. Don't get me wrong I do hate that food places aren't open past 9 and that everyone drives SO slow, but I guess I like the slower pace life over there. Living in the city is so much fun but I hate to leave the house to go to the grocery store cause it's so freaking far and making a run to a fast food place is never really that fast.

I can't wait until everything falls into place and we get a chance to move back well if Melvin still wants to that is.

I don't know where this damn rat is but I know he's out there it looks like the sticky rat trap that we put out there seems to have moved from last night. I'm so freaked! i can't wait to get on the road to head back to my parents house. but it's 8:40am ish and Melvin still hasn't woke up and I feel bad to leave him so I guess me and monti are going to wait for him to wake up.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Its been awhile...

.. we finally have internet at the new place. Everything is slowly coming together and all in good time. I'm so happy. The baby shower is in a few weeks, and it seems like that's our biggest worry. kinda. haha

  • We have this freaking rat in our yard: I'm scared to death! I feel like nothing is safe
  • We don't have cable yet:If you know me you know how much my tv means to me. Its $200 to get our cable transferred over here and there are just other things that we need to spend that money on right now. it blows!
  • Still no carpet in the living room: We have remodeled this whole basement ourselves and I'm pretty proud of us. Everything looks so different we should have taken before and after pictures heh but everything looks great; livable. I hopefully by the end of next week there is a new carpet in our living room.
  • We have no oven. Melvin's been on a grilling spree since we've moved here so we've postponed getting a stove. I know we're starting to get to the point where we need one but it's not someone we are dying without.
This whole house remodel and move had taught me to live a little different. I'm still the freak that I always have been about cleanliness and standards of living but being a little more frugal and learning to live with what I have making things last longer. I don't know hah kinda confusing but the past few months have been tight; remeodeling is expensive!! and also renting an apartment at the same time. believe me i'm counting the days that we are actually done remodeling and we are just living!
  • Every time I think about giving birth I get scared. There are so many people who think that we area wasting money by paying to go to birthing class but the real reason I wanted to take them is because I am terrified to give birth! I saw the miracle of Little Mia and I'm so scared. haah If you know me you know my pain tolerence of lack of.. Everyone tells me I'm going to be fine and yes I'm sure I will be but anything to ease my mind a little I'm going to take.
  • I have the best guy in the world: